Senate Bill 1 brings Accountability to the Department of Education and State School Board
COLUMBUS— Today the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 1, a historic overhaul and realignment of the responsibilities and duties of the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and the State School Board.
Among the changes, the bill would rename ODE as the Department of Education and Workforce (DEW.) The State School board would still exist but most of its powers and duties, and those of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, would be transferred to DEW.
This new department, DEW, would be a cabinet agency with a Director appointed by the Governor. That would put DEW under the authority and supervision of the Executive Branch, and its Director would be subject to a vote of approval by the Ohio Senate.
“This bill is about bringing our education system to account for the people of Ohio,” said State Senator Sandra O’Brien (R-Ashtabula). “As parents, taxpayers, and citizens, we deserve a voice and say in our children’s education.”
The effort to realign the duties of the Department of Education has been discussed and supported by both Republican and Democrat governors over the last 30 years.
Senate Bill 1 will now be considered by the Ohio House